aromatic OH
Lecture 4 - Reactions of aromatic compounds and properties and nomenclature of alcohols
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- Aromaticiity
- Compound shows aromaticity if the ring form of the compound has a higher stability than the open form.
- HŸckel Rule
- When ring has 4n+2e- in a planer ring the system will exhibit an aromatic quality
- Usually the system is a conjugated pi system
- Nomenclature of aromatic compounds
- Reactions of Aromatic compounds
- Halogenation
- Commonly need a Lewis acid to polarize or ionize the subsitiuting reagent.
- Steps
- Substituting group is polarized if ionized to create an electron-deficient species
- Cationic intermediate forms by bonding between electron on aromatic ring acting as a nucleophile
- hydrogen is lost from carbocation to restore the aromatic ring.
- Nitration
- Sulfonation
- Reaction direction
- Observed that aromatic compounds vary in their reactivity when they his different substitution.
- Ring activating groups make it easier to add more groups to the ring
- Ring deactivating groups make it hards to add more groups to the ring.
- Have para,ortho directing and meta directing groups
- para,ortho tend to place more charge on the ring. Have bonded electrons directly adjcent to the aromatic ring or electron rich atom
- meta directing tend to pull charge away from ring. Usually will have positive charge next to ring.
- Mechanism of selectivity
- As with other mechanisms selectivity is derived from the stability of the intermediates.
- See that with addition to ortho or para position for an ortho, para directing group a resonance structure of peticular stability will be found
- For phenol see two intermediates that have 8 e- on all atoms
- Not seen for meta product.
- Hard to form carbocation intermediate with electron withdrawing group
- meta substituent is the least destabilized
- See that other forms have adjacent positive charges, very unstable.
- Alcohols
- Properties and Examples
- Overview
- alcohols have a n OH on a alkyl chain
- OH bond on an aromatic ring gives a phenol
- Ether C-O-C
- Examples
- Methanol (methy alcohol)
- Simplest alcohol
- Commonly called wood alcohol. Once prepared by heating wood in absence of air
- Now usually made from CO
- Toxic to humans causing blindness
- Highly missiable in water
- Ethanol (ethyl alcohol)
- One of oldest organic compounds
- Product of fermentation of sugar (from grain, grapes)
- Beer and wine are 3-5 and 10-13 % respectively
- 14% is usually the highest that yeast can exist in
- Higher amounts occur through destination
- Highest can distill is 95%
- Methanol commonly added as a denaturant.
- 2-propanol (isopropanol)
- Rubbing alcohol
- Commonly used disinfectant
- Toxic but not as much as methanol
- ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol)
- Common component of antifreeze and as starting material for polyesters
- For mammals is a strong central-neverous-system depressant
- Sweet taste
- Highly solvable in water.
- Gylcerol (1,2,3 -propanetriol) Glycerin
- Miscible in water.
- Not toxic like ethylene glycol, but is sweet
- Commonly used in candies, cosmetics, plastics, antifreeze, shock-absorber fluid
- Backbone of fats and oils
- Properties
- Hydrogen bonding dominates charactisites of alcohols
- H-bonding
- Short chain alcohols like methanol and ethanol are very missiable in water and some organic solvents.
- See that have structural properties of both alkanes and water.
- Can hydrogen bond with other alcohols and water.
- Since can H-bond with itself see an increase in boiling point compared to hydrocarbons on similar MW
- As carbon chain increases in length bp increases and water solubility decreases.
- Longer carbon chains also more soluble in organic solvents, see that has more hydrocarbon character
- Nomenclature
- Often referred to by common names that identify alkyl group followed by "alcohol"
- IUPAC uses ending "-ol"
- Introduces the idea of a priority group
- Steps
- Name parent compound.
- Find longest chain that contains alcohol
- alcohol considered a priority group.
- As get more functional groups will see that some are named above
- Chain name by replacing -e at end of alkane name with "-ol"
- Number carbons on main chain
- Begin at end closest to hydroxyl group
- With more than one alcohol gives the lowest combination of numbers for alcohols
- In cyclic alcohol count direction that gives lowest numbers for substituents
- Write the name
- Number for alcohols is placed right before parent chain, as with alkenes
- For multiple -OH use idol, trio etc. Don't delete "-e"
- Diols many times called glycols
- Add names and numbers of substituents as before
- Further designation
- As with hydrocarbons can be classified as primary, secondary and tertiary
- Classified by the number of C-C that exist on carbon where -OH is attached.
- Homework
- 13.60, 61, .62, .76, .81
- 14.22, .26, .28, .30, .32