There is much to do in Marburg, you just have to know where to look to find it. There are two magazines that list events. Express is a weekly publication that lists concerts, movies, theater, and other events in Marburg, Gießen and the surrounding communities. It also has articles of local interest and a classified section (the Kontakte are usually amusing). The other magazine Kulture!News lists events for the whole month. Here you will find listings for a larger area than in Express, including listings for Frankfort and advertisements for major events in other cities. Both of these magazines can be found for free in banks, shops, and at the Stadthalle. The Marburg movie theaters publish a weekly flyer listing all movies for the theaters in town. Many flyers and information can be found at the Stadthalle.
Another source is posters. Posters are put up around town when something is happening. All you have to do is look. Places like KFZ and Café Trama publish their own monthly circulars. The flyers for KFZ can usually be found at the Stadthalle or Rote Stern Buchhandlung. One for Café Traume are usually only found on location (see map Section 12.2). These places are two cultural initiatives and bring in a variety of live music, presentations, films, and other entertainment. Other Cafés and Kinipen will also have live music on occasion (Molly Malonís, Cavette, Paris-Mosiko have regular music schedules). Most of these events are listed in Express.
One of the best books to have is the Marbuch. For about 25 DM you get a articles about the town, listings of shops, Vereine, Initiativen, Culture, doctors, restaurants, taverns etc., and a very nice map. You can find it at most book stores.
If you will be using the trains and buses a lot, RMV publishes a book called Fahrplan Stadt Marburg und Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf. It contains time schedules for all of the Marburg and Regional Busses, a map of the region, and times for trains between Frankfort and Kassel. Itís well worth the 2-3 DM price. It can be purchased at the building mentioned in Section 4.8 and at some book stores.
An important one of these you will receive with the packet of information you receive from the University. Informationen für ausländishe Studienanfüngerinnen und Studienanfünger has most of the basic information you need to know for starting your studies at Marburg.
The book Tips & Hinweise is published for first year students. It is a good outline of how the whole University functions, where offices are located, things the town has to offer, etc. It can be found outside the Studentensekretariat (10 Beignstr.), at your tutorial, or at ZAS.
For those interested in sports the University publishes a listing of sport events available through the school. Hochschulsport is free and can be found in most academic buildings and dorms at the beginning of each semester. Some sports fill up fast, so you have to act quickly if you want to participate. Sometimes fees may be required.
This book is kind of like a catalog. It contains a listing of all courses offered by all Fachbereiche (in section Vorlesungsteil). The it does not contain any descriptions of the courses. If you want this information you have to go to the department in question (Section 7.4.2). The Vorlesungsverzeichnis for the Winter Semester has a listing of all faculty and staff with office hours and locations for some, and phone numbers for all (in Personalteil der FB). In the front is hours of help organizations, libraries, Semester calendar other useful information.
This is a good book to get and then give it to someone going in the next year. They change little from year to year. One is published for the winter semester about a month before the semester start and is available at most book shops for around 7 DM. The summer one is 5.50 DM and does not include the Personalteile. If you do not wish to buy the book most departments will post lists of course offerings for the next semester.
Be sure to pick up an extra catalog for Juniata International Programs Office if you want to keep yours. It is important that the International Programs Director has a title and the number of hours per week your courses meet.
Most departments will have a Kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnis. This publication gives a description of the of the courses in the department. You get these by going to the Fachbereich Sekretariat or Geschäftszimmer. There they will sell you such a book for around 1 or 2 DM. Departments will often post class listings as well.
This building is the steel cube that you can see from the downtown Mensa. It contains many books but the pain is that is uses a closed stack system. Which means that you order the books you want, wait an hour, then go to an office to check them out.
Probably the most useful books in this library are the text books (Lehrbücher Section 8.7), located downstairs and to the right was you enter the building. You check out and return books at the booths you pass by as you enter the section when the Ausleihsaal is closed.
What is the Ausleihsaal? This is the room just to the left as you enter the building. This is where you also will have to fill out a request for a library card. Itís quite simple just ask for a card, fill it in with the typewriters provided, and in 2-3 days you come back to pick the card up. Be sure to bring your passport.
While you are there also pick up a sheet that tells you when tours of the library are given. On the tour they will tell you all you need to know about how to find and check-out books, where the magazines are, etc.
Upstairs is the Lesesaal, reserved for non-lendable books and studying. Behind the room is the Katalogsaal with the card catalogs an computers (for on-line catalogs and regular computer use). Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 - 21:30; Sun. 13 - 21:30.
Each Fachbereich has its own library with a selection of books relating to the specific subject area. Mostly these books are just for use in the library. The libraries vary in their policies for loaning books. Each will have a librarian that you can ask. If they are no help, talk to student or Professor. The hours vary by Fachbereich and are usually not open on weekends.