6. Orientation and Tutorials

6.1 Orientation by the University
6.2 The Tutorial

6.1 Orientation by the University

The first orientation offered to you will be through the Auslandsamt (Section: 4.5). This will take place a few days after you arrive. They will go over the important things necessary to live in Germany. All of these are covered in Section 4 of this manual. So if you wish you can wait until this time to fill in all of your forms, open a bank account etc. They will sometimes take you to Sparkasse and Barmer to open accounts. The only thing that cannot wait until this program starts is the registration with the city (Section: 4.3). You should receive the dates and times for this meeting with the information you first receive from the University.

The Auslandsamt also runs a second orientation program for students not taking a language course (those arriving October). Most of this will be a repeat of the first (you canít attend it anyway, you will have a language course). But there are some meetings that would be good to attend. Such as the one assigning tutorials. The question is when the meeting is. If the Auslandsamt does not tell you when this meeting is get in contact with Christopher Moss (See Section: 6.2).

Other orientations are run thorough the Fachbereiche for first semester students. A listing of these is found in the booklet Programme zur Studenteinführung put out by ZAS (Zentrale Arbeitstelle für Studienorientierung und -beratung) in 12 Biegenstr. You should get one of these at the meeting about tutorials. If not go to ZAS, look in front of the Studentensekretariat (at 10 Biegenstr.), or just go the Fachbereich in question and ask. These programs are helpful. They are usually run by students and will tell you things like what courses are available, how to "register", where to get information and old tests, and how to use the Fachbereichs library. It is also a good place to get to know some new and veteran students. They can be a valuable resource.

6.2 The Tutorial

This program was new in 1995. In it small groups of exchange students get together with a former German exchange student. Here they have the opportunity to find answers to questions, get information, and get help with writing assignments. Also there is an instruction schedule of geographical knowledge, politics, and other items relating to study in Germany. The idea is that exchange students have a support system.

The man who is in charge of these tutorials is Christopher Moss. If you have problems relating to the tutorial he is the man you should talk to first. He can be found in Block D of Philfach (J on the map) in room 111 (phone 28 4347). He is English so just speak to him in English, itís easier in this case. If you have a required courses that conflict with all scheduled tutorials it is possible to have the tutorial requirement waved. Again see Christopher Moss. You should receive two ungraded credits for this class at Juniata upon completion.

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